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Jenny Godfrey's Shop

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I have worked in both KS2 and KS1 as class teacher and am also English Leader in KS1. For the last 5 years, I have been teaching in Y2, which gave me plenty of ‘SATs experience’. However, I have been trying to ensure that the skills children need to apply in their SATs are linked to everyday life experiences and have applied them as much as I could to our topics, in order to avoid 'teaching to the test'. I really value your feedback on my resources. Happy browsing!




I have worked in both KS2 and KS1 as class teacher and am also English Leader in KS1. For the last 5 years, I have been teaching in Y2, which gave me plenty of ‘SATs experience’. However, I have been trying to ensure that the skills children need to apply in their SATs are linked to everyday life experiences and have applied them as much as I could to our topics, in order to avoid 'teaching to the test'. I really value your feedback on my resources. Happy browsing!
Getting to know you and your class bingo

Getting to know you and your class bingo

Great ice-breaker for the first day of teaching to get to know the children, help them to get to know each other and most importantly, help them get to know the teacher! It contains picture clues for ESL children. Children ask around in class and find someone who likes something that is pictured. If they find someone they put his/her name down on the grid. First one to have 4 in a row wins.
End of Year Resources - Class Year Book and Class Certificates

End of Year Resources - Class Year Book and Class Certificates

I always have a vote on the last day of term to elect the hardest worker, kindest person, funniest person and more... and each child is allowed to vote for who they think the award should go to and they can write down the 3 people that fit best into each category. They love it! I print/write the class name and date on there, sign it, laminate the certificates and set them up at the front of the classroom when they come in on their last day. I also buy the cheap plastic trophies from Sainsbury's, and stick the attached little labels on them before they go out. I also make a year book with them a week before we break up, which I get them to fill in and then copy for the whole class. It's a lot of fun and a nice keepsake for them and their parents. Enjoy! Both files are attached as word documents that can be edited and as PDFs.
FIFA World Cup Mapping Participating Countries Geography

FIFA World Cup Mapping Participating Countries Geography

A very quick worksheet on a powerpoint that printed in A3 will allow children to map the 32 participating countries - there is a key at the bottom with numbers so children can colour in the country and instead of writing its long name, just number it. powerpoint can be used as lesson starter as all countries are listed again there (with their flags) and a political world map is attached for explaining how to map. Enjoy/